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Virtual School - Training

The Virtual School provides training regarding the education of looked after and previously looked-after children.

All training events are free and offered online. Bookings are made via Eventbrite and ticket sales close one week prior to the event. See details below.

Carers of children in care: promoting the education of looked-after children

Target audience: foster carers and children’s home staff who care for looked-after children.

Course description: This course gives an overview of how foster carers can promote the educational attainment of their child and how residential staff can meet their statutory education standards. Whilst each group has slightly different standards to meet, there is a great deal of overlap and all topics covered represent good practice for both groups. 

Topics covered include:

  • the learning environment
  • educational resources
  • school attendance
  • achieving educational goals
  • partnership working with school
  • advocating for your child
  • the PEP

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you. Upon return, the training will be marked as complete, and you will receive both a certificate and a copy of the slides used during the session.

Training dates

Governor training 

Target audience: nominated governors for looked-after and previously looked-after children and/or interested governors and Chairs.

Course description: this course covers the importance of governors advocating for looked-after and previously looked-after children, as well as how to support and challenge the designated teacher. 

The course will provide an overview of the processes and policies associated with looked-after and previously looked-after children, including pupil premium plus.

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you. Upon return, the training will be marked as complete, and you will receive both a certificate and a copy of the slides used during the session.

Training dates

New to the role of Designated Teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children

Target audience: Designated Teachers, new to role, for looked-after and previously looked-after children.

Course description: This course provides an overview of the requirements upon the Designated Teacher to fulfil their role effectively for looked-after and previously looked-after children.

Topics covered include:

  • voice of the child
  • pupil premium plus
  • raising awareness and staff training
  • SEN
  • mental health
  • partnership working
  • admissions

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you. Upon return, the training will be marked as complete, and you will receive both a certificate and a copy of the slides used during the session.

Training dates

Parents and guardians: promoting the education of previously looked-after Children

Target audience: parents and guardians of children from reception to Year 11 who were previously in state care and/or have been adopted and/or made subject to special guardianship/child arrangements order. If your child is outside this age range, you are welcome to attend.

Course description: this course explores how parents/guardians can work with schools effectively to support their child's education. It explores the duties of schools regarding previously looked-after children and advises on how parents/guardians can best advocate in their child’s interest.

Areas covered include: 

  • best practice recommendations given to schools
  • the importance of building positive relationships with schools
  • the Virtual School’s role
  • the educational achievement of previously looked-after children
  • how Pupil Premium works for previously looked-after children
  • information sharing
  • school admission arrangements
  • special educational needs
  • choosing a good school
  • managing challenging behaviour in schools

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you; upon return, we will send you a copy of the slides used in the session.

Training dates

PEP quality training

Target audience: School staff and social workers with access to North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire PEPs. You should not attend this training if you do not have access to our PEP system.

Course description: this course covers the expectations for a high quality PEP. As well as participants being given details about each section of the PEP, examples of good and poor quality practice will be shared.

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you. Upon return, the training will be marked as complete, and you will receive both a certificate and a copy of the slides used during the session.

Training dates

Refresher Designated Teacher training 

Target audience: experienced Designated Teachers for looked-after and previously looked-after children from reception to Year 11. We recommend this refresher once every 3 years.

Course description: This course provides an overview of the requirements upon the Designated Teacher to fulfil their role effectively for looked-after and previously looked-after children.

Topics covered include:

  • voice of the child
  • pupil premium plus
  • raising awareness and staff training
  • SEN
  • mental health
  • partnership working
  • admissions

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you. Upon return, the training will be marked as complete, and you will receive both a certificate and a copy of the slides used during the session.

Training dates

Social care and Virtual School partnership working 

Target audience: social workers of children in care within Northamptonshire Children's Trust.

Course description: this course provides an overview of how social workers can effectively promote the education of looked-after children through partnership working with the Virtual School.

Topics covered include:

  • think parent 
  • school moves and applications 
  • children not receiving a suitable education
  • special Educational Needs and EHC plans
  • good communication with school 
  • non-mainstream schools 
  • the PEP

After the session, an evaluation form will be sent to you. Upon return, the training will be marked as complete, and you will receive both a certificate and a copy of the slides used during the session.

Training dates

Last updated 13 August 2024